October Fest is approaching this means one thing Beer, and LOTS of it. Now you may like to consider yourself or your partner a 'professional beer drinker' yet 'professional beer stain offender' usually comes with the title. Best match your professional beer drinking and staining with a experienced beer spot remover. YES THEY DO EXIST! Why stop at beer, coffee, tea, lipstick, red wine.. REALLY.. the list goes on and on, the utmost family friendly and expert, may, I add spotting kit. Even your local DC will quietly admit that they use them too, so purchase now, kick back and enjoy a few or 10 beers with a beer friendly spotting kit waiting for you at home or in the glove box, better yet.... Drop your duds to elaundy!
A day at the races filled with wine, dirt and other nasty stains hiding away to later be your very own shoe & handbag disaster! Traffic stopping Louboutins, to die for Chanel clutches,heavenly Manolos... YES, these garments are like your very own babies.Treat your shoes and bags to the life they were brought for...
Bring your beloved into elaundry To restore your shoes and handbag to former gloryBOOK IN NOW Be ready for the weekend! Mon-Fri: 8am to 6pm
Ever read your garment care label? YES that tag located inside your shirt and wonder what the heck does it mean,click here and we will mail you out a simple chart that has magnets for the side of your dryer, it is teen friendly. So why not sign your newly moved out teen up to receive our great informative flyer. Think of it as easy lessons on the wall in your laundry! Easy printable here!

Clear alcohol stains can be removed by rinsing the area with cold water, then soaking the stained garment in 1L of warm water with one teaspoon of presoak agent for 30 minutes, stirring the water occassionally. Rinse thoroughly, then launder the garment in the hottest water safe for the fabric. Do not dry until the stain is completely removed.
Professional Spotting Kit If store bought stain removers aren't cutting it, you need the Professional Spotting Kit from elaundry. This kit is designed specifically for the dry-cleaning industry so is proven to be the best stain removal system available.... Shop Now
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