Kids are adept at finding stains year-round. But back to school time may offer some new stains or those that you haven't seen in a few months. Here's a quick guide for removing those school day stains from washable children's and teens clothing.
Scrape off as much glue as possible using a dull kitchen knife. Treat the area with prewash stain remover and launder in the hottest water approved for the fabric.
Allow the glue to dry before attempting to remove it from fabric. Wet a cotton swab with acetone-based nail polish remover and test the fabric in a small, inner seam to make sure the nail polish remover does not damage or discolour the material. Working from the outside of the stain to the inside, dab the spot with the swab, letting the swab sit on the spot for a minute or two. Using a dull kitchen knife, scrape away any loose glue. You may need to repeat this process several times from both sides of the stain.
When you feel the glue is gone, treat the area with prewash stain remover and launder according to fabric label directions. Check the stain before placing the garment in the dryer; you may need to retreat. Drying will set the stain and it will be impossible to remove.
Wet a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol and test the fabric to be sure the alcohol does not damage or discolour the material. Working from the outside of the stain to the inside, dab the spot with the swab. Change to a new swab as ink is absorbed to keep from redistributing the ink. Launder according to the fabric label directions.
Permanent ink is usually impossible to remove, especially from coloured clothing. Certainly, attempt the same steps as for removing ballpoint ink and washable markers; it won't hurt. If the stain remains, bring it to us to try or consider a decorative patch or elaundry embroidery.
Wet a cotton swab with rubbing alcohol, again testing the fabric for colourfastness. Dab the alcohol on both sides of the stain (front and back) and allow it to penetrate. The fluid should begin to break down and release small white flecks. Rinse the area well. Place a white paper towel under the fabric and using a cotton swab, dab the stain with acetone-based nail polish remover. Keep dabbing until stain is removed. Treat with a prewash stain remover and launder according to fabric label directions.
To remove crayon from clothing, use dishwashing liquid. Put a folded white paper towel under the fabric and squirt liquid onto a clean white cloth and dab it on both sides of the stain. Next, rub a bit of dishwashing liquid onto the crayon mark. Let the paper towel absorb the crayon stain. When the stain seems to have disappeared, launder according to fabric label directions.
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