Love these cushions? Love Sarabah Estate Vineyard's Home wares Shop! |
Question: During my spring cleaning I washed my couch cushion cover and now it is too small, totally off colour and crumbly on the inside when I got it out of the laundry. What happened?
Answer: The fabric covering for stuffed furniture and
cushions is upholstery. The covers on the cushions usually have a zipper,
giving rise to the myth that cushions can be taken out and the cover can be
cleaned much like a pillow case to a bed set. This is not true in fact, the
zipper was put in for convenience of the manufacturer. Most manufacturers do
not except the cover to be removed from the cushion during use or cleaning.
One should never remove cushion covers for separate dry
cleaning or washing. Any tumble cleaning method can destroy the back and shrink
or otherwise damage the upholstery fabric. There are several different cleaning
methods from spot cleaning to a light rub that will work on upholstery Since
each fabric is different and the correct method is not obviously apparent the
best thing to do is take the item with the cushioning to Brisbane’s Best Dry cleaner, elaundry.
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