
Handy Hints: Washings and Wearings

Its been raining day after day of late in Brisbane and washing is the last thing on your mind here a handy indicator how many wears can you get away with?

The humble bra
Unless you perspire profusely, bras can withstand 3 to 4 wearings between washings. But they do need a 24-hour break after wearing for the elastic to recover. If it's summer, wash them after each wearing. Perspiration wears down the elastic so washing actually extends the life of the bra.

Swimsuits should be washed after every wearing. Salt, chlorine, perspiration and body oils are deadly to the fibres of swimwear. This rule applies even if you don't get in the water.

T-shirts, tanks & camisoles
If they're body-hugging, these garments should be washed after every wearing. They absorb body oils and perspiration and when worn under jackets and sweaters protect them from soil.

Denim is sturdy and great at hiding stains. But it still should be washed after every 4 to 5 wearings even if it looks clean. If you have stretch jeans, you'll probably want to wash them more often to prevent sagging and bagging, especially at the knees.

Work dresses, pants & skirts
If your dress or office wear pants and skirts are worn in air-conditioned office, they can be worn 4 to 5 times before washing unless you drop your lunch in your lap. You should always hang clothes you've worn where they can relax and air for 24 hours before wearing again. This will allow fibres to rebound and wrinkles to relax. To make your work clothing last longer, change as soon as possible after work into "play clothes".

Jackets & blazers
Jackets can usually be worn 5 to 6 times before they need cleaning, unless they have a readily visible stain. Again, be sure to give them breathing time between wearings. Be sure to check key contact areas - such as collars, sleeves and elbows - often to be sure they are clean. If you have a matching jacket and pants or jacket and skirt, be sure to wash or dry clean them together each time to prevent uneven fading.

Blouses & tops
As a general rule, blouses and tops should be washed after every wearing. Of course, if you don't perspire heavily and you only wear it for an hour or so, you can get a couple of wearings.

Did you know you sweat at night? Well we do. We also shed thousands of skin cells. So, wash your pyjamas or nightgowns after 3 to 4 wearings. If you shower right before bed you might be able to last the week. And don't forget to wash your sheets once a week too!

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