
Quick Fixes for Party Fouls


"Pretend Like It Never Happened: Quick Fixes for Party Fouls" by Daily Candy

Make it through that holiday dinner party, family gathering or office party with your dignity (mostly) intact.

Problem: In the midst of an impromptu dance party, you accidentally spill red wine on the carpet.
Solution: Nothing more that booze can't handle. Swipe your neighbour's glass of white and pour a small amount over the affected area. Blot dry with an absorbent towel before sprinkling with a dash of salt to prevent the red stuff from spreading and settling.

Problem: Someone's been stabbed! Okay, fine. They just cut themselves while carving the holiday bird.
Solution: A pal of ours swears that a combo of ice cubes and spit removes blood stains. For some reason, though, the saliva and blood must belong to the same (wounded) individual. We suspect it has something to do with enzymes and witchcraft. Helpful backup: hydrogen peroxide.

Problem: Your heavy-handed hostess has infused nearly ever course with an abundance of garlic.
Solution: The standby tip for close talkers: What garlic giveth, ginger, basil and minth taketh away. If not of these garnishes are handy, swig a bit of whiskey - but not too much or you'll have a whole other odour issue.


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