
Laundry Tips: Storing Winter Clothes

Spring has sprung! it's high time to pack away your thick, winter woolies in favour of lightweight spring and summer clothes. However, it's important to store your winter clothing correctly so that it will be ready to go when winter comes round again.

Prepare before you store

Now is the perfect time to clean the closet you are currently using and the closet or storage area you’ll be using for storage. Empty the entire closet. Clean and vacuum the closet to remove dust, dirt and insects. If you suspect mould, mildew or insect infestation, take steps to kill the mould with a bleach solution and do some pest control.Sort through your clothing before you store them. If you didn’t wear it during the past season, you won’t wear it next year. For children’s clothing that will be too small next year, prepare a bag of clothes to hand down, give them to charity or consign the clothing for sale.

Clean, Fold and Store

All clothing should be laundered or dry cleaned, even those items that look clean. Small amounts of food or soil may not be visible to the eye, but can oxidise and become permanent if left for long periods in storage. What's more, stains can also attract larvae, carpet beetles, silverfish and other insects that feed on the natural fabrics in your clothes, causing small holes or shreds. Take care not to use starch or fabric softener, as they tend to attract insects more.

Be sure to fold all sweaters and knits for storage. Hanging them will pull them out of shape. Heavy coats and jackets should be hung on wooden or padded hangers that will support the weight. If you are folding items that would normally be hung, roll any items that you don't want to crease heavily. Never wrap clothing in plastic. The fabric needs to breathe.

Store the clothing in a cool, even temperature, well-ventilated area away from artificial or natural light. Under the bed is a good location - especially in guest rooms. Avoid attics, damp basements and garages.

Space Bag Storage Bags are the perfect storage solution for winter clothes. See the entire range here


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