
Q and A: Removing Pilling

Q: How do I remove the "Balls" from a pure wool knit dress?

You require a battery operated whiz-machine called a pill remover. Simply rub the device over your the balls on your dress (also known as "pills") and the machine shaves them off tidily and without too much effort! Purchase the Lint Shaver Wool Pill Remover in our online store.

Or if you'd prefer a home remedy, secure the dress very tightly over a flat surface (like your ironing board) with pegs, then VERY carefully shave the pills off with a leg razor. It does work, yet cutting your woven threads is very high and it takes a very long time to complete a whole garment. Also, be careful to stretch the weave our of shape. This can happen on a hot or humid day.

For the best results, focus your pill-removing to the elbows, the back (where your back leans against a chair) and underarms where the most abrasion occurs with wear.


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