
Handy Home Hints: Removing Chocolate Stains from Upholstery & Carpet

Removing chocolate stains from upholstery and carpet follows the same process, so is easy to follow. Remember - work at stains when fresh as set-in stains are difficult to remove.

First, ensure the chocolate is dry before attempting to remove the stain. Melted chocolate will cause a bigger mess.

Scrape off excess chocolate from the surface with a blunt knife or spoon, using a lifting motion to avoid spreading the stain. Mix a solution of two cups cold water and one tablespoon colourless dishwashing liquid. Using this solution, sponge the chocolate stain with a clean, white cloth. Do not saturate the stain, just dampen it. Use a dabbing motion, not a scrubbing/rubbing motion. Replace the cloth as necessary. You will need to repeat this process 3-5 times before the stain is fully removed.

Next, blot the area with clean, cold water to remove the cleaning solution, then dry with a clean towel.

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