
Laundry Tips: Clean Bedding


Experts say that we spend up to 25 years, or one third of our lives sleeping. So, making sure that bedding is clean, fresh and at it's best for those long years is essential. Here are elaundry's tips for taking care of your sheets and pillows.


Sheets should be changed at least weekly, or even more often if someone is ill or it is hot in your bedroom (sweat, ew!) Follow all care instructions on bedding whether your sheets are satin, cotton or flannel. If you are having trouble, use elaundry's fabric care table to combat laundry disasters.


Polyester and feather bed pillows can be washed easily at home with the help of your washing machine.

Mend rips and tears in pillow. Load two pillows into washer to balance the machine. You may need to add towels to keep the washer operating smoothly.

Use cold water and only a small amount of detergent on the gentle cycle. When the cycle is complete, run the pillows through the rinse cycle again to insure that all of the detergent is rinsed away.

Fluff the feathers before you put the pillows in the dryer. Set dryer to medium heat, and stop every 15 minutes to re-fluff the pillows.

It will take longer than a normal load to get the pillows completely dry, so put them outside in the sun for a final dry.

Doonas and heavy blankets are a little harder to handle, so let elaundry dry clean and refresh them for you with little hassle and at little cost.


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