
Health Tip: Working From The Heart

'Work is love made visible' - Kahlil Gibran

"Most of us don't consider the impact our work has on our health. However it makes a big whether we love or dislike the work that we are doing. By doing something we find inspiring and fulfilling, we are creating harmony and peace in our body's which is what strengthens our immune systems and makes our hearts sing. By participating in work that is stressful, full of conflict or disappointing, we are laying the ground work for fatigue, lach of energy for life, depression and even accidents. We can be grateful to have work even if it's not our ideal job. If we have a job but it's one we dislike, we can treat it as a safety net as we take a leap of faith toward our authentic work. Work is a boost for our health when we work from the heart."

- From Jenny and the ecoLinen team


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