
Quirky Ideas: How to Wear Wellies


We had a laugh when we read this article, so have to share it with you! Read the original article

"The essential hurdle for any prospective Wellington-wearer is the lingering suspicion that one should only really wear wellies in the countryside - striding purposefully towards the chicken coop, perhaps,, or at the very least embarking on a serious expedition up hill and down dale and sloshing through the odd stream or two.

Actually, there is something satisfyingly defiant about wearing wellingtons in town, or simply in situations where the possibility of mud-splatterage is minimal; you will find that they bring on air of authority and practicality, and instruct the kind of gait that says, even to the most casual onlookers, that you have a purpose, and a destination.

But there is a knack to good Wellington-wearing. The novice will be rightly tempted to pair brightly printed wellies with garments, and the unitiated may adopt a certain skip and swagger - perhaps even a strut - in her fabulously space-age silver Hunters.

Please bear in mind that the very first rule of Wellington-wearing is insouciance. Their origin is rooted in sturdy practicality, not fad or fashion. In this case, opt for neutral tones and wear with pride. At the very least, reassure yourself that your Wellingtons are a sight more comfortable than your counterparts' skyscraper heels."

If you feel brave enough to don wellies this winter, make sure you keep them clean at elaundry! We're developing a special rubber cleaner that can clean thongs, gumboots, anything really..


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