Remember, elaundry are EXPERT stain removers!
'Tis the season to break out the jeans to keep our pins warm as the temperature drops. If you should find that you require new jeans because your pair from last season no longer fit the bill size or style-wise, be mindful of wearing new denim!
The dyeing process is the step in denim making in which the natural cotton warp yarn is dipped into a number of indigo dye baths, where it gradually turns into deep blue. So, when you bring your new jeans home, you risk transferring colour from the denim fabric on to other surfaces in a process called dry crocking.
To prevent dry crocking, elaundry recommends the following:
First and foremost, be mindful of your white underwear, and do not sit on light coloured lounges wearing unwashed, dry denim. Wash the jeans inside-out in a cold-water bath with little detergent. If you find the jeans are still leaching colour, soak in a vinegar & water solution, then wash as usual! Remember, elaundry are EXPERT stain removers!
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